When should i stop???


Registered User
Dec 5, 2005
I'm in the middle of my first cycle. Test E 500mg a week. I'm almost at week 13 and i have one more shot left in the vial. but have more vials. my question is should i just stop after my last shot, do my PCT, and call that my first cycle? i know 13 weeks is plenty for a first cycle. or would it be alright if i went longer? if i could go longer, how much longer? I'm basically just curious to see what people have to say. also, if i do go longer i shouldn't add any other compounds, correct? i ask because i have a lot of dbol and i'm anxious to try it. i got it for my future cycle but sometimes think about trying it for 4 weeks during my current cycle, which i really want to do haha. i know i could go longer i just want to see what people have to say. i haven't hit a plateau, my diet is good, i seem to be looking better as the weeks go by. being my first cycle, i guess i just don't want to experience the inevitable coming off phase because i feel so good.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Hey bro D-bol is much better to use at the beginning of a cycle 4 weeks..For your first cycle i wouldnt extend any longer.Just my opinion.Ive been using gear on and off for the 15 years.use to compete. How old are you?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I'm in the middle of my first cycle. Test E 500mg a week. I'm almost at week 13 and i have one more shot left in the vial. but have more vials. my question is should i just stop after my last shot, do my PCT, and call that my first cycle? i know 13 weeks is plenty for a first cycle. or would it be alright if i went longer? if i could go longer, how much longer? I'm basically just curious to see what people have to say. also, if i do go longer i shouldn't add any other compounds, correct? i ask because i have a lot of dbol and i'm anxious to try it. i got it for my future cycle but sometimes think about trying it for 4 weeks during my current cycle, which i really want to do haha. i know i could go longer i just want to see what people have to say. i haven't hit a plateau, my diet is good, i seem to be looking better as the weeks go by. being my first cycle, i guess i just don't want to experience the inevitable coming off phase because i feel so good.

Good thing I am observant. Something is up with this one. I rec a dbol for you and wasn't sure if I had posted on one of your threads in the past. I just checked and well sometimes I don't know why I even bother trying to prevent young ones from doing AAS.

He is 21. You write in other thread that the dbol is for your 2nd cycle and you have already done a cycle. But now you write you are on your 1st cycle but haven't finished.

Most puzzling and what has got be concerned is you write "well i've been training for about 5 years, last 2 serious. i'm 5'9, 230 lb, very little bodyfat not sure exactly what it is right now though. my diet is good, i eat every 2 hours, 8-10 times a day, brining in an average of about 300 grams of protein a day, only about 50 grams being from supplements. and yes i have PCT on me and in check and i have nolva in case of sides. ummmm, i'm pretty young though. im 21. i'm probably going to get some critisizm for that huh. so be it, i can use it. is it just a terrible idea altogether for me to start a cycle? i have almost 300 BD tbol tablets too but i'm not going to use them."

I wrote how 230 pounds at 5ft 9 at 21 is huge. How your bf must be large but you said it isn't. You said you can even see your abs clearly. Do you know how big 230 is? Many on this forum are much older and have great bodies but struggle to get to 230. Ok here is the puzzling/confusing part

You write in other thread your 205 pounds! And the first thread was dated September and thats when you started your cycle of test! You started it at the end of September. The thread you say 205 pounds is dated last week. So please explain how someone of 21 can lose 25 pounds of body weight when they are on a bulking cycle of 500mg test per week.

Anyway to answer your question please don't carry on. 13 weeks is plenty. Plus you have alittle more left and you can't start pct for 2 weeks after that. Your natural test isn't shut off straightaway cos it takes a few weeks but the process is started immediately. So in essense if you stop on week 14 your cycle would have lasted about 16 weeks. That is a long cycle especially for a 1st time user. I would say an ideal cycle length is 12 weeks. But 16 week ones are great but I wouldn't advise them until you have a few under your belt and never to a 21 year old. Recovery gets much harder the longer you go. Everyone is different but staying on for the time you have will just make your recovery even slower.

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Your wording and your suggestion for dbol shows your complete immaturity. You don't want to feel the bad effects so you want to stay on... if only it was that simple. Taking dbol at the end is abit pointless. You will put on huge weight and likely drop it all after pct. You really need to be doing it at the start for best results. But anytime at the start-middle would be fine too. It's not stupid doing bulking orals at the end cos it can work just fine but your asking after already being on for 13 weeks and it is your 1st cycle. If you done dbol now for 5 weeks or so and then came off in about week 20-22 you would regret it so much. But something tells me your gonna regret it now anyway cos you didn't take the advice handed to you in the past. I have a feeling you won't have the maturity and patience too so when you a feel like shit your gonna just jump back on test so you feel good again.

By the way I am not bothered about you not taking my advice in the past. I would think fair enough if you didn't take my advise in Sept and then researched extensively and thought it is my body and I understand what I am doing and the process and I am still gonna do it. If you spent hours reading up on cycles and pct and compounds and the best ways to do things. If you thought he is warning me and I understand that but hey I wanna do this for the right reasons etc. But your wording and saying how you wanna do dbol cos your impatient etc shows you haven't got a clue and haven't been reading up on AAS and trying to understand it.

Please don't do the other vials and please don't do the dbol. For you I would advise atleast 6 months recovery (not including pct) before thinking about doing it again. I don't rec doing it till older but if you have to make sure you take lots of time off and of course you will likely feel like shit for abit but thats what is needed cos it's all part of a recovery after a harsh cycle (not saying 14 weeks of test is very harsh for most but for a 1st time it certainly is).
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
By the way I am sorry if I was abit harsh but it had to be said. Everyone has to learn and everyone has a first time. I am young too. I will still be learning at 50. But people really do need to be reading up more on the stuff they put into their bodies. By the way my 1st cycle was shocking in some ways so I have been there but you seem to have a total disregard to your health, hormones and future.


Registered User
Dec 5, 2005
well i am 230. and i can see my abs. i'm not lying if you that's what you think, i don't have a reason to. i was 205 before i started. i rememeber deleting a thread in another forum because i said 205 by accident because i was used to writing it, so i deleted the thread because i couldn't figure out how to just edit it at the time. i am very wide. if you think something is suspicious i don't what to tell you. i'm sorry you think that though. i can see my abs but i can also grab some fat around my sides if that explains anything. maybe i don't have very little bf i havnen't gotten it tested i just assumed if i can see my abs (clearly) then i had little bf. and i am 21. and i agree i started too early, and i also agree i'm a little ignorant. i was advised not to start so early but i did anyways. but i also took advice by just doing test at a low dose instead of taking other compounds with it. i know for sure i'm not the only one that started young and i know i'm not the only one that went against advice. i did get the dbol for my second cycle. and now i have it and i thought about using it only if more then a couple replies said it was alright if i went longer then 13 weeks on my test. i know it's usually used as a kickstart for a cycle but i've read in several threads people using it at the end too. i didn't say i was impatient to use it. i'll just stop now i have more vials i can wait i don't really care if i stop as much as you think i might i'm just not too excited to see what the coming down phase feels like. obviously i have to come off sometime though. 6 months off though? i was thinking more like 4 months. since i was on for 13 weeks and it will still be in my blood for 2 more weeks so 15 weeks on, 16 weeks off i was thinking. 6 months though? alright. would my age and the fact that this is my first cycle help me recover any faster/better?


Registered User
Dec 5, 2005
also, i don't recall ever saying that i have already done a cycle, i'm still in the middle of the one that i started in september. at one point i was thinking about stopping after 10 weeks or so and i might have posted a thread talking about the cycle in past tense because i was thinking about stopping the day i wrote the thread. that's if i did ever say i have already done a cycle. but i got more vials because i just didn't feel 10 weeks was long enough, i was till gaining consistantly. i'm not sure, but it kind of seems like you're looking for lies or something. i'm not lying. i know all my posts are up here for people to just look at. there's not a lot of them. and my name is the same on this forum as it is in the others. i can see why you got suspicious that i said 205 once then 230 another time but i am 230 i don't see why anyone would randomly lie about their weight on these forums like that. also, if i had a total disregard for my health i wouldn't have done just test for 500mg a week. i probably would have added other compounds. and i wouldn't have bought liv52 and milk thistle with my dbol (which by the way i will just wait to do i was just curious to see what people would say about using it at the end)
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
also, i don't recall ever saying that i have already done a cycle, i'm still in the middle of the one that i started in september. at one point i was thinking about stopping after 10 weeks or so and i might have posted a thread talking about the cycle in past tense because i was thinking about stopping the day i wrote the thread. that's if i did ever say i have already done a cycle. but i got more vials because i just didn't feel 10 weeks was long enough, i was till gaining consistantly. i'm not sure, but it kind of seems like you're looking for lies or something. i'm not lying. i know all my posts are up here for people to just look at. there's not a lot of them. and my name is the same on this forum as it is in the others. i can see why you got suspicious that i said 205 once then 230 another time but i am 230 i don't see why anyone would randomly lie about their weight on these forums like that. also, if i had a total disregard for my health i wouldn't have done just test for 500mg a week. i probably would have added other compounds. and i wouldn't have bought liv52 and milk thistle with my dbol (which by the way i will just wait to do i was just curious to see what people would say about using it at the end)

Firstly, although you didn't use the word patience doesn't mean you haven't implied it. You have written in the past how you are in a hurry, how you are anxious and simply the way you write about your intentions.

And I know you was writing in past tense thats why I wrote that before my actual main concern. I also know you were asking about cycles at 18 so I see good in that (the fact you haven't done one at 18, 19 etc). Your by no means like many of the younger ones you get on these types of forums (thats a compliment). But like I said you do have a disregard to your health. When I say that I don't mean in the way you are thinking of. Your depiction of someone with a disregard to their health would be a lad on 1000mg of test with dbol etc and drinking most days and eating crap. There are different degrees to everything. And in this case health also means hormones and not that your physically abusing your body. Test isn't very liver toxic and shouldn't really be doing serious damage if kept at a reasonable dose. But in regards to your hormonal health it can be very bad to inexperienced people (anyone really).

And you must understand my suspicious. In that thread you wrote you weighed that huge amount I replied more than once. And you replied to me and never mentioned your weight. Even if you couldn't edit it you could have simply replied to me and said that is a mistake but you didn't. But if it is a mistake then cool.

Plus you wonder why anyone would lie on here. That is so common. If you have an 18 year old who weighs 150 pounds and he were to come on here he would get warned and told not to go a head with his plans. On other boards he would probably just get called an idiot and stupid straightaway. The person may get some irresponsible replies telling them to go ahead but most likely not. So many know they are gonna do it no matter what they are told so they say they are 24 and weigh 210 pounds etc. You get loads of younger ones pretending to be either older or maybe just lying about their cycle history and training history.

Plus I have to add in my last cycle I done adrol at the end. I had test c and deca but didn't get my adrol. I wasn't bothered cos I thought I am happy with test c and dec. Anyway I got the tabs in week 9 and just decided to take them for 4/5 weeks. To help matters when I tapered my test down I went on 2 weeks after the adrol. Anyway so like I said above I didn't mean it is stupid and can be fine but for you I would defo not rec it.

Although 500mg of test is a usual amount for a first cycle. Your cycle is harsh on your system. So you don't need to be taking other compounds to make it harsh. Adding something like tbol at the start wouldn't have really effected anything but would just have given you better gains. But doing dbol at the end certainly would make it much harsher. It's your 1st cycle... you could do test for 8 weeks and it will still be harsh on your system cos your new to it. I am not saying anything bad cos you will likely recover nice and fast and be cool but just trust me. Coming off steroids is one thing you can't understand how YOU WILL ACTUALLY FEEL until you actually come off them. Things like skydiving and racing a car you can sort of know what your gonna feel like before you do them. But coming off steroids can make you feel a whole list of things you never did b4. Not being able to get an erection is a main one. I am always fine but sometimes it can be at say 30% my usual self so I wouldn't bother. Someone immature or someone who worries or over thinks can really let something like that eat away at them. Cos they don't understand it is fairly normal. They make a temporary physical problem a permanent mental one. In addition to the possible mood swings and added all together can lead to mild or even severe depression. By the way I am far from cautious I was doing 1000mg of test in my 2nd cycle so I not the sort to over worry... I just don't want you to regret things.

The above is why I have said many things. Cos basically if you would have got 1 or 2 replies saying yeah dbol at the end is good you would have done it. Don't say you wouldn't cos you moreorless wrote you would have. There really are some fools on many forums. They have done 10 cycles and still don't have a clue about compounds and what steroids actually do to their bodies. They would probably say oh yeah 20 week cycle is cool for you just limit the dbol... thinking that is smart. And then cos 1/2 strangers online say so you will probably do it cos you want to anyway and now have the confirmation. Just be careful.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I think it is best to go on feel. Everyone is different. Some may take 1 month to recover some may take 6 months to recover. You are right in saying time on moreorless equals time off. That is a simple rule but usually works out well. It makes sure your not jumping on too soon and are resting. Plus your receptors need time to recover too.

Don't say how you will feel until you actually come off. I have a feeling you will be surprised how you feel... or I should change that to surprised how much you won't feel. If your on for about 4 months then you should stay off for the same time. But I said 6 months just to make you aware of all the changes you will probably go through. And to make you mentally stronger for using AAS. I know young ones who feel the low and then jump back on cos they hate feeling that way. Or they want to be 100% in the bedroom. It's totally understandable but you don't learn anything and you don't allow yourself to fully recover. By the way it is different for older ones cos I imagine when I am older I will simply go down the TRT route. It's not good a 21 year old going on the TRT route. I thought about it recently but will wait for obvious reasons.

Just finish this cycle now and see how you feel and if your happy and have recovered well it's up to you if you wanna try another cycle in the future.


Registered User
Dec 5, 2005
ok, so i'll call this my first cycle then. i stopped, i'm not going to open any new vials. in about two weeks i'll start my PCT. clomid and nolva.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
ok, so i'll call this my first cycle then. i stopped, i'm not going to open any new vials. in about two weeks i'll start my PCT. clomid and nolva.

Sounds good. You don't need to be doing huge amount of nolva. I would do the following-

Week 1-3= Clomid at 250mg on day 1, days 2-11 at 100mg and days 12-21 at 50mg
Weeks 1-3= Nolva at 20mg per day
Week 4= Nolva at 10mg per day

That should be a cool program for you. I will do the above for most cycles I do. Have a great New Year :)