It's time to get HUGE!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
All I seem to do in lockdown is go on the computer and take Flex out on walks. Everywhere is closed and my family have covid so I haven't done too much recently. I have a girl coming over one night to train with me. I had another girl over the other night and saw a mate a few days but haven't done anything recently. I love training but I find it hard getting motivated to train in my kitchen with my light db's so I just load up on preworkout and don't think and just make it count. I have been training daily but sometimes it's just a quick workout so overall volume is nothing crazy but other days it's 90 mins non stop and fucking hard.

Today I trained legs for about 45 mins. Nothing too crazy but it felt good. Lot's of squats, split squats, stiff leg deadlifts (standard and unilateral) and calf raises. As a result I didn't use any insulin but I did take 2.5iu HGH and 2ml synthetine preworkout. I also dosed my AAS preworkout to make sure it was done as I keep leaving it for 5-6 days and it should be every 3 days so I am on that from now. My AAS were dosed at 450mg deca, 60mg test e and 60mg mast e. I feel really good on this stack and things are moving along nicely.

Even when the gym's were open I didn't do any cardio because I walk quite a lot because Flex loves to be outside. He doesn't like the rain so he hasn't been out as much recently but today was ok so we went on 2 big walks and 2 x 10 min ones.

1 scoop of Orange Triad with greens and 10g glutamine.
Beef meatballs, jasmine rice and blueberries.
1 hour power walk with Flex.
Beef meatballs, long grain rice and pineapple.
2.5iu HGH, 2ml synthetine, 450mg deca, 60mg test e and 60mg mast e.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and a pink lady apple.
1 hour power walk with Flex.
Chicken breast, long grain rice and red grapes.
1 scoop of EAA's, 1 scoop of Orange Triad with greens and 10g glutamine.
Chicken Breast, pasta and extra mature cheddar cheese (melted on top of pasta).

I also drank a 500ml Biotiful kefir morello cherry yoghurt drink throughout the day as well. With my evening tea I always have 2 squares of 85% dark chocolate as well. I am enjoying my chicken meals recently and as I posted the other day they are oven baked and drizzled with olive oil and cover with my spice mix (salt, pepper, onion powder, red bell pepper, garlic, chilli flakes and mustard seed).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just more of the same. I have trained everyday. Volume is varied and today was about 45 mins. For legs movements I used my barbell and performed mainly calf raises, stiff leg deadlifts and hip thrusts. For upper body I done something different and put all my weights from both db's onto 1 db so it was about 40lbs. I would do 3 unilateral sets to failure on each side for every movement. So db bi-cep curls for 1 set to failure with my right arm, 1 set to failure with left arm, right arm, left arm etc. No rest between sets (6 in total) so quick and very intense. I done bi-ceps curls, tri-cep extensions, lateral raise and shoulder press. An example for bicep's it was 19, 18, 16, 15, 10 and 9. My left arm was 1 rep behind every set due to the tendon but it still felt great.

Next I done 1 arm back rows and these feel amazing the way I set up. I hold my kitchen worktop and lean downwards and I pull up/back with my elbows. Just a really good connection and I can tell even with light weight I can improve my lats if I do these frequently which is the plan. This may sound strange but over the years I have learnt with certain muscles (calves, lats etc) I can improve them more with lighter weight and 100% connection compared to very heavy weight with what would be considered decent form (looking towards) but 75% connection due to the load. Obviously the goal is 100% connection and execution with the heaviest weight possible. My 40lb db is very far from the highest weight possible but I still think I can progress with it and when I hit the gym again I can push the weight up. The reps were very controlled with squeezes and about 21, 17 and 14. I finished with a few quick sets of abs and then done some stretches.

A lot of people think they can't train hard with minimal equipment but the above is one example of how you can push it even with just 1 dumbbell. Do 3 set to failure with each side with no rest in between and that can be done for various movements.

1 scoop of EAA's, 1 scoop of Orange Triad with greens and 10g glutamine.
Beef meatballs, jasmine rice and blueberries.
Chicken Breast, basmati rice and pineapple.
1 scoop of EAA's and 10g glutamine.
Beef meatballs, jasmine rice and goji berries.
Chicken breast, garlic/red pepper houmous and basmati rice.

1 scoop of EAA's, 1 scoop of Orange Triad with greens and 10g glutamine.
Beef meatballs, garlic/red pepper houmous and jasmine rice.
Dry Roasted Peanuts.

2.5 IU HGH

As people know I suffer from anxiety and on my current stack I feel fantastic. Absolutely no anxiety at all and I feel great. Lockdown is shit but in regard to well being I am gtg and haven't experienced any bad side effects. My skin is looking really good as well.

I posted how I am experimenting with a statin to see the difference in my cholesterol profile as I blast. I have no intention of staying on this statin I just want to see what it does and I will be getting more blood work soon to see how everything is looking. Regardless of the results I will be dropping the statin at the end of my blast and will try to maintain cholesterol markers off it by basically not taking anything (certain orals) that will destroy my cholesterol. Obviously I will eat a decent diet, do cardio and take certain supplements to assist everything as well. I have experienced no side effects whatsoever but the muscle weakness does concern me. I do ensure I use certain supplements when using the statin to help matters and they include a multi vitamin/mineral, vitamin d, vitamin c, creatine, ubiquinol, calcium and eaa's.

My current bed time drugs/supps are 4mg Pivasta (Pitavastatin), 80mg Valsartan, 500mg Metformin and 5mg Melatonin.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am really missing the gym but still training most days in my kitchen. Well I had the weekend off training but I ate the same meals just 4 instead of 5 for both days. I have trained the last 3 days. I usually train my whole body but concentrate on certain areas each session. I will probably carry on doing this but more upper then lower focused as training frequency is very high right now and I aim to do something everyday. The w/e was a break because I needed it and I had a girl stay over (thank you Tinder).

Tonight I trained mainly my upper/lower back, bi-ceps and calves. I converted my barbell into 2 db's with all the weights on so they are 15kg each so not too bad. Lot's of unilateral db rows and I get a great connection with these and I be aiming to do these approx 4 days per week. Obviously when I get back in a gym that will be probably twice every 8 days but with much heavier weights. Incidentally they have extended the lockdown until 6th March which is pretty shit. I also done some bent over (sat down) rear delt flyes and rows plus a few sets of high rep shrugs. Mixed in were about 5 sets of very high rep seated db deadlifts as well. Bi-ceps were just standard db and hammer curls. I like to superset both as an intensity technique to extend a set. Calves just countless standing calf raises over about 15 mins. As always I ended with some stretching and I felt really good.

Nutrition has been the same apart from the 4 meals (instead of 5) on the w/e. I also had a pizza last night for my final meal but the other 4 were standard meals. Today I have ate...

1 scoop of Orange Triad with greens and 10g glutamine.
5 whole eggs, 2 cinnamon/raisin bagels (buttered) and blueberries.
Beef meatballs, jasmine rice and pineapple.
Beef meatballs, long grain rice and 1 kiwi.

2.5iu HGH and 2ml synthetine.
Weightgain shake (9g fat, 100g carbs and 50g protein).
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and mango.

1 scoop of EAA's, 1 scoop of Orange Triad with greens and 10g glutamine.
Chicken breast, garlic/red pepper houmous and wild/wholegrain rice.

I took no insulin today and I figured I should use some of my weightgainer (ordered 6 tubs) so I went with that postworkout to make 6 meals for the day. Gonne give it a few more weeks then get some blood work done. I will sort out some updated pics when I can. I just hope the gym's will reopen in approx 6 weeks but it's doubtful. Either way I will carry on slowly increasing food and trying to train as hard as I can under the circumstances.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had the weekend off again (had a girl over) but been training hard Mon-Fri. I ate the usual on Sat but on Sun I had a burger, fries and milkshake from 5 guys. I also had some cereal with coconut milk, an 85% dark chocolate bar and a bag of dry roasted peanuts. So a lot of calories but it done me good. The issue for me when I eat off plan now is because my nutrition has been so consistent recently I can have more issues with bloating when I do have some off plan foods. As a result I make sure to load up on digestive enzymes when I do to help matters.

I usually train my whole body but I make sure to focus on upper or lower each day and simply rotate between the two. So on Monday I trained mainly upper and included many movements. A main area of focus for me is my back development and I am using lighter weights (all I have access to) with great effect. I have really been focusing unilateral db rows, bent over db high rows and seated db deadlifts. For chest it was floor db presses, floor db flyes and push ups. Tri-ceps mainly db skull crushers and close grip db presses. Bi-ceps mainly standing db curls and db hammer curls. Shoulders mainly db lateral raises, db presses and db around the world raises.

Today my back felt really tight which is unusual so I wasn't taking any chances. So I done a some upper body movements then just a load of standing calf raises, seated calf raises, db split squats and bodyweight squats. I left out all stiff leg ham movements and hip thrusts etc. I just made sure to hit 5 hard sets for each leg for split squats plus 2 high rep bodyweight squat sets. Obviously nothing ideal but my legs are responding/maintaining well so I am pleased with everything.

I definitely need to move up a gear though as I want more. I haven't been walking as much so that will be increased. I will also start pushing the intensity more whilst training and reducing rest times and just pushing things. Although every day I train I end up a sweating mess but I know I can do more. I also need to start drinking more water as that has lowered and it's key to my progress so I will make sure I am back on track with that.

I will see my brother soon so will get him to shave my back and get some updated pics done. Then I will finally start my syntherol run (about time). I have 27G insulin pins in stock so I will be doing multiple 1ml injs eod. More on that later. Today I have ate...

1 scoop of Ghost Glow and 15g glutamine.
4 whole eggs, 4 pieces of bacon, 1 cinnamon/raisin bagel (buttered) and blueberries.
Steak with garlic butter, jasmine rice and 1 kiwi.

2.5iu HGH and 2ml synthetine.
Chicken breast, honey and jasmine rice.
Beef meatballs, jasmine rice and raspberries.

1 scoop of Ghost Glow and 15g glutamine.
Beef meatballs, wild/wholegrain rice, 1 avocado and blueberries.

I have also snacked on 2 squares of 85% dark chocolate with tea twice today. I also ran out of EAA's but will order more. I have been using Ghost's Glow to flavour 2 of my waters each day. It's a nice little product and I have definitely noticed a difference since starting it about 1 month ago. I was using 1 serving prebed when I had my EAA's in but have just replaced them with it when I drink 1 litre of water twice daily now. I drink water between every meal but as posted above I have been slacking a bit so will make sure it's 1 litre between every meal from now on. Here are it's ingredients...



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
More of the same. Not going to lie though preworkout powders have been essential for me during lockdown. I am having some amazing workouts with my adjustable db's (15kg max) but I still find it very hard to get motivated to start. I never miss a training day though so I am pushing it but it's very hard for me to get motivated for these sort of workouts. Today I sat there and couldn't be bothered but I took a pre workout and forced myself to train and I ended up doing 90 mins of hard training and multiple failure sets and was a complete mess at the end. I feel great now and I always do but starting training in my kitchen knowing it will be non stop and with the same db's every set doesn't get me excited but I am still putting in the work.

Today was about 20% upper body and 80% lower body and yesterday was the opposite. Today had no real order with leg training but I mainly rotated between calf, ham/glute and quads movements in that order. I do a variety of calf movements so standing calf raises, seated calf raises and donkey calf raises. It doesn't really interest me doing db lying leg curls so I have been focusing on a variety of stiff leg movements. For quads it's mainly squats and split squats. I usually also include hip thrusts, glute raises, side lunges and standing db hip abduction.

I fasted yesterday which I do on very rare occasions but I think it has many health benefits even when done infrequently. Today I woke up and ate 2 steaks and a pack of rice with goji berries and my body metabolized it rapidly. Afterwards I ate chicken, rice, blueberries and 2 squares of 85% dark chocolate. Intra was just water today. My last 2 meals were beef meatballs, gluten free pasta drizzled in extra virgin olive oil and some raspberries. My last meal will probably be 4 whole eggs, 1 bagel, almond butter and some blueberries.

I have someone coming over on the weekend so I will definitely get some updated pics taken then. I weighed myself the other day and I was 255 pounds. I am not pushing food now and just eating the same things daily and gradually putting on good weight whilst staying lean. I will increase food soon and I plan to also increase weekly training volume slightly. That may seem backwards to many people (more training volume) but I know it will only be beneficial for my current goals.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Yesterday I was so tired so I listened to my body and had a day off. I even went to bed early because I couldn't keep my eyes open. I guess it was the leg workout the day before. I have been using 2.5iu hgh approx 5 days per week and as people know I am very sensitive to it but I have been ok so I doubt it was that causing the tiredness. Definitely a strange one but point is I listened and didn't force myself and it done me good because my legs are still extremely sore.

As I posted yesterday my plan now is to simply move up a gear in the form of more food and more training. I am keeping my cycle the same as I don't see any need in moving up just yet. I have had a girl come over each weekend so that's the only reason I haven't been training on weekends. So I figured just do Mon-Fri for now. My approach (training) is always flexible but I will always aim to train between 4-6 days per week I just don't have set days in mind. In fact right now if my body is feeling good I will train everyday but there is obviously no need and as long as I get 4-6 hard sessions in I am gtg. I will be modifying things slightly though. Generally speaking if I have access to a gym my training volume is obviously less because of the massive difference in weights being lifted. When I only have 1 set of light db's I prefer to keep moving more and training hard as a way to help keep me good shape as I grow.

The one area I have slacked on recently is my water intake and that will improve now. I woke up today holding quite a bit of water around my waist. My mate came over to train for the first time in ages so I got him to take some pics. Not the best but I am pleased with them. I am a little bloated in them but things are moving smoothly. Currently about 260 and relatively lean and my height is 6ft 2. They are on my phone so I will post them below in a min. Yes I can't pose for shit :eek::D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
The gym's are going to be reopened on the 12th April which is crap but at least I have a date now. It has given me some motivation to train at home simply because I now know I have to wait ages for the gym again so I need to make the most of it. I was starting to get demotivated but I am back on track now. Full steam ahead and I am going to really pack on lean tissue over the next 2 months. I don't like to force things but my appetite had suffered due to me adding in some treat meals recently. When I stick to my set meals I am like a machine but if I venture too far off plan and have typical cheat meals my digestion really suffers.

I am now back on plan but I could tell it wouldn't be bad giving myself an artificial boost in a sense so I just added in 10mg MK-677. I have easily had 5 solid meals today and going to have another pre bed very soon. Gonna just keep this up and keep taking my shots and training hard at home. Tonight I trained my whole body with a focus on my upper body. Next session (Thurs) will be a lower body focused workout with some upper body movements thrown in. I had missed shots but done them all today and even added in 6iu slin pre workout. From now on I will be utilizing slin (6iu), 2.5iu hgh and 10mg mk-677 every preworkout. My intra was 2 scoops of Axe and Sledge's Demo Day, 10g glutamine and 2 scoops of EAA's (Myoblox Zombie Blood Aminos). Post workout was chicken, rice and honey. I have also had 2 steaks and chicken breast today with rice and fruit.

I will post again soon as I have a few things to mention. I will be getting blood work done soon to see how everything is mid blast. Here are my current supplements...

Pomegranate- 2g per day.
Garlic oil- 8g per day.
Fish Oil- 8g per day.
Cod Liver Oil- 2g per day.
Vitamin D- 5000iu per day.
Ubiquinol- 200mg per day.
Melatonin- 5mg per day.
Multi-Vitamin- 1 serving per day.
Revive Greens- 1-2 servings per day.
NaughtBoy's Bran New- 1 serving per day.
Digestive Enzymes.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Digestion is very important to me as I can have alsorts of issues with many foods. I use different digestive enzymes and often a combination if eating larger meals. The new one I bought is called Digestion Optimizer by the Genius Brand. It's an all rounder so can be used before any meal. It wasn't cheap so I can't use it all the time so I will save it for times I feel I will need it the most. I often fit in 3-4 meals in approx 6 hours post workout so I will use it after the 2nd meal for example. I also have Enzymedica's Digest Gold I use for the same purpose. Here is the ingredient panel for the Genius Brand Digestion Optimizer...



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am back on track now and everything is moving smoothly apart from some digestive issues a few days ago. I just have to make sure I stay on top of my nutrition and water intake. When I had relaxed things a little I added in 10mg MK-677 and a few days in I started getting bad back pumps when walking Flex so I dropped it. I have just added it in again at 10mg and I will see how I get on. Training has been good but I need my preworkouts to get in the zone for training at home. I love training more than anyone but for me it's a struggle getting really motivated to train in my kitchen with 15kg db's multiple times per week. I am just getting on with it but looking forward to when the gyms reopen.

I was looking at buying some heavier db's but it would probably be a waste if gyms do reopen on the promised 12th April. I still may even buy them but my budget is limited and they aren't cheap and I could wait weeks to get them so probably a waste of time. When I was in Switzerland during the 1st lockdown I remember ordering a decent weight set and it took about 8 weeks to get to me and the gyms opened up a week before they come :eek::D

Tonight it was a lower body focused full body workout. After upper body I started with calf raises using a variety of techniques. Then moved to some stiff leg deadlift variations and finished with some squats, split squats and walking lunges. Preworkout I took 2.5iu HGH, 10mg MK-677, 6IU Apidra and 2ml synthetine so a full house of preworkout aids. After 1 banana I sipped on an intra shake of 2 scoops of EAA's, 2 scoops of Demo Day and 10g Glutamine. My full diet today included...

1 scoop of Revive Greens and 10g glutamine.
Rump Steak, 2 whole eggs, oats, cinnamon and blueberries.
Chicken Breast, long grain rice, 1 kiwi and raspberries.

2.5iu HGH, 10g MK-677, 6iu Apidra and 2ml synthetine plus 1 banana.
TRAIN 2 scoops of EAA's, 2 scoops of Demo Day and 10g glutamine.
Chicken breast, basmati rice, honey and goji berries.
Sirloin steak, 2 cinnamon/raisin bagels covered in avocado oil.

1 scoop of Naughty Boy's Bran New, 1 scoops of EAA's and 10g glutamine.
Chicken breast, garlic/red pepper houmous and wild/wholegrain rice.

My drugs have been completely reversed.

450mg Deca, 60mg Test E and 60mg Mast E every 3 days....


450mg Test E, 60mg Deca and 60mg Mast E every 3 days.

Time to push the size now.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have had many updates to post but left it because I have been dealing with an issue and everything else has taken a back seat. My dog Flex is not good and has been in constant pain. It's just me and Flex so he is everything to me but I know some don't understand strong bonds between dogs and their owners but this has hit me hard. He has been put on 3 painkillers but has been very up and down. He shakes all the time and hides from me so just been trying to make him as comfortable as possible.

Flex had an MRI scan today and the vet and image specialist are confused with what they see so are getting an opinion from a more experienced specialist before deciding what to do next. I spoke briefly so don't know all the details but he has a black mass in his spinal column (I think between L4/L5). The vet was confused by this and wants to be confident before operating. So it's not IVDD (herniated disc) like I originally thought it could be. He will have his opinion in the next day or 2 then he will let me know and we go from there. He still thinks surgery is the only option so that should take place later this week. I am also short on cash and it's very expensive so been sorting that out.

I have started training hard at home more to give me a boost. Flex sleeps all day so I have more time to train as well. My appetite is non existent so my diet hasn't been great but that will improve now. I will be swopping some meat for whey isolate (synthepure) just to allow me to get sufficient protein for the day. It will probably be 3 meat meals and 2 synthepure shakes daily for now.

I also stopped injecting because the high test was making me feel like crap but I will soon start a moderate/balanced dosed cycle of 300mg sust and 200mg deca every 3 days. The gym's have been closed for months but should reopen on the 12th April. So a little down time but I am building things up again and once the gyms reopen I will add in 40mg dbol to give me a quick boost in size/fullness. HGH is at 2.5iu and synthetine at 2ml every preworkout. Insulin will be added back in post workout before a high carb meal. I haven't forgotten about syntherol and that will be added because I want to look my freakiest of all time this summer.

Hopefully the surgery sorts things out and I have bought ramps to stop him jumping up/down and I will keep a close eye on him. I have added in more "aerobics" into my training just to get my fitness up and make my body more functional so it's ready for the onslaught once the gyms reopen. I will post some updated pics in a few weeks. I will have my appetite back in no time. Tomorrow I will add 10mg MK-677 back in to help the process as well.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Flex had a really bad time last night. He tried to get on my bed so I picked him up and he yelped so loud. I then barely touched him and he cried out. He started shaking loads and didn't stop for well over an hour. He was as stiff as a piece of cardboard but shaking non stop. It freaked me out because he sat up stiff and didn't blink once in at least 20 mins and just stared out. I gave him some painkillers and just put my arms around him and lay with him. I ended up falling asleep about 90 mins later and he was fine in the morning. Today he has mainly hid under my bed so I haven't seen him much but he is ok. The expert's opinion/report still isn't in but I hope he will be booked in for surgery early next week.

I wakeup with no appetite so the last 2 days I have just had some berries (blueberries and raspberries), 90% dark chocolate, greens and a coffee. I take Flex out for 5 mins (he doesn't want to walk anywhere) and I eat later on. I will still hit my 5 meals not counting the snack in the morning. With all the shit going on it's motivated me more to push training at home.

The gym's will finally be open here in 9 days. I can't believe it's taken this long and I haven't trained in a gym since last year. I am motivated to really hit it hard. After Flex's surgery he will be stuck at home so I am going to make him a resting pen with barriers, blankets, cushions and his toys. The gym will be my time I can just hit it hard and he will be fine alone in the apartment for 2 hours. It's going to be weird training in a gym again.

I look/feel much better after coming off the high test. I knew what to expect but I still done it so a bit stupid but high test is definitely not for me. I have started injecting again and tonight I dosed 300mg sust and 150mg deca and 80mg mast e. I will be dosing that every 3 days. I will up the deca by 30mg simply as that is a full slin pin. Today I injected 1ml sust with 1 slin pin in my left delt and 0.5ml deca and 0.4ml mast e in my right delt.

I was planning to add in 40mg dbol when the gyms reopen but tonight I wanted a boost so I dosed 40mg preworkout. I also dosed insulin post workout. I am going to start it early because I want to blow up so on training days it will be 40mg dbol pre and 10iu slin postworkout. I dosed my synthetine postworkout as well but that will be done pre workout from now on. Once I am back in the gym I am going to add another 10iu insulin preworkout but not immediately before but simply before my preworkout meal (contains approx 100g carbs). Then I will have my usual intra shake of 50g carbs then take 10iu post workout immediately before my large post workout meal.

Tonight I just trained arms and calves but I pushed it hard. The 40mg dbol was crazy and I felt amazing training. My arms looked twice their normal size. I supersetted bi-ceps and tri-ceps but I also added a few sets of lateral raises, shoulder presses, chest presses and back rows.

My full day consisted of...

Blueberries, raspberries, 90% dark chocolate, greens powder and coffee.
Chicken breast, garlic/red pepper houmous and jasmine rice.
Beef meatballs, jasmine rice and pineapple.

2.5iu HGH and 40mg dbol.
TRAIN (2 scoops of Nutrabio pure EAA's, 1 scoop of demo day, 10g glutamine and 5g creatine).
10iu Apidra and 2ml synthetine.
Rice Krispies with Ghost's chocolate chip cookie whey protein mixed with milk/water.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice and mango.

1 scoop of Nutrabio's Pure EAA's, Revive Green's and 10g glutamine.
Rump Steak, smoked houmous and wild/wholegrain rice.

It's finally time to take this seriously and start growing. I want to get to 270 relatively lean then come down slowly so I am a beast for summer :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Following this BUT also hoping the best for your dog! I have the same bow tie for mine!

Sorry for the late reply. Thank you and he is doing really good now. His recovery was very fast but with that comes challenges because he wants to run everywhere. The vet said 4 weeks more (only been 2 weeks since the surgery) and I can start taking him on walks again. He hops like a bunny now but is active in my apartment and happy again because he is out of pain. Flex has a few bow ties and also 1 tie but I haven't put that on him yet :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
How much does it cost you for food each day- never mind your supplements

Everything definitely adds up but it's not too bad. Well it is because I get a lot of singular packed items. Most of the fruit I buy tends to be in 200-300g packs and the same for my steaks. I don't really buy bulk items (meat) as I don't like to freeze most of the foods I eat so it's all fresh. The berries, mango and pineapple add up being £2-3 per pack. I even buy singular bags of rice (70p-£1 per pack) for each meal (80g carbs per pack). Although I did buy 10kg jasmine rice and was planning to order a rice cooker but still haven't :eek:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
The gym's have been open for 1 month and I have been training hard most days. Fairly high volume and frequency. I started easy on the first rotation (push, pull and legs) but by the 2nd one I was going to failure and pushing it hard. I could write about training for ages but I will save that for later and it's pretty much exactly the same as 6 months ago before the gyms closed. I have no plans of changing my current split for a very long time. As I wanted to get back fast and I had simply missed the gym that much I have overdone the volume but I am backing off slightly now and will include more rest days as my main goal is to grow. I have grown and leaned up at the same time so my system worked but I need to ease off a little as my working sets are getting heavier and heavier and I definitely can't carry on the way I have been as my body has taken a beating but I love it :D

Most importantly Flex has recovered and he is doing really good. The problem was he is so energetic and crazy even when he couldn't walk properly he was still trying to run so I had to keep him inside. I bought him a playpen (crate rest) but the first day I went to the gym when I got back he had moved it about 6 feet and it's big so I just leave it open now. He hasn't been walking much but I am going to start walking him for 20-30 mins from tomorrow as it's been 6 weeks since his surgery. He is out of pain and I just have to be extra careful with him jumping up/down.

I have been meaning to update this thread for awhile but I will regularly now and will post updated pics as soon as I can. I will keep things brief so a quick recap of my drug usage is basically I done high deca with very low test and mast and I grew and got tighter and I felt great. I swopped over to high test and I felt like utter shit and started to look worse. Then I tried a balanced approach of similar doses of test and deca and have felt ok. I knew how I would feel as I have done this many times but I still wanted to rotate but from now on I am never going above approx 400mg test per week because it's a horrible drug for me. I never recommend using orals at the start of cycles but I wanted to start the gym and blow up fast so I started 40mg dbol but I literally lasted 1 week. Then I done 50mg adrol and the same 1 week and I felt like utter crap. It's annoying but my body just doesn't do well on orals as I have gotten older. On dbol I start getting nose bleeds and on adrol I just feel lethargic and my appetite and well being decreases so it actually goes against me when I am trying to grow.

My new cycle starting now will be 300mg deca, 150mg test and 60mg mast e every 3 days. I may up the mast slightly as I go along. It's not loads but it's enough for me and most importantly I feel good on that stack and I can eat. Well being only goes down when my weight starts creeping up so adding in stuff I did in the past (higher doses, orals etc) these days just goes against me in the long run. When I was on adrol I felt so lethargic I dropped that and hgh just to get me back to normal but I have just added hgh back in at 2iu per day.

I have been using insulin and synthetine post workout recently. I have always been one for following a plan and trying to be exact but I realized with synthetine as I don't want to shoot daily just bang it in at a high dose when I do dose it. So I just started using as much as I can fit in my syringe which is 6ml and I will do that 4 times per week (any days I want). I have only dosed it twice so far and can already see the difference in vascularity. This is my plan from today...

Synthepure and coffee.
5 whole eggs, 2 cinnamon and raisin bagels drizzled in avocado oil.
Chicken breast, garlic/red pepper houmous, jasmine rice and goji berries.
Rump steak, long grain rice and mango.

TRAIN (2 scoops of MyProtein's Amino+, 60g HBCD's, 5g extra glutamine and 5g creatine).
2iu HGH, 12iu Apidra and 6ml synthetine.
Chicken breast, jasmine rice, manuka honey and cranberries.
Sirloin steak, wholegrain rice and pineapple.
Synthepure, 1 avocado, walnuts and blueberries.

That last shake is loaded in protein and I drink it in bed. The goal is to grow relatively lean then tighten things up slightly over summer. I am 117kg now and quite lean and I can probably add another 5kg staying in half decent shape over the next 6 weeks.