Concreteguy: Slin Diet


Registered User
May 11, 2013
Ok quick q about slin, say uve had ur insulin levels checked and they are pretty high, if u add slin would it take the pressure off ur pancreas and thus ur high levels would then go down or level off


are u compounding a bigger issue and will eventually cascade to more issues?

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Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Not much food for some one over 200+lbs.
Looks good for a middle weight

Walk into a restaurant and order 9 whole eggs.... see how they look at you.
It Must be two plates full. That is only one part of one meal.
Most "normal everyday people would be done for the rest of the day if they could even finish it.


Mar 27, 2014
Walk into a restaurant and order 9 whole eggs.... see how they look at you.
It Must be two plates full. That is only one part of one meal.
Most "normal everyday people would be done for the rest of the day if they could even finish it.

I will agree with you -9 whole eggs do look at you.
I would rather eat eggs- my favorite food- scrambled up with Ezekiel bread with penutbutter -yummm
Better then the rubbery dry ass chicken I cook- I suck with cooking meats.
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Mar 22, 2014
Walk into a restaurant and order 9 whole eggs.... see how they look at you.
It Must be two plates full. That is only one part of one meal.
Most "normal everyday people would be done for the rest of the day if they could even finish it.

I have a place close by that makes their omelets with six whole eggs. And for the same price you normally pay for three eggs elsewhere, $10.

Most people don't even finish them.


New member
Jul 3, 2017
Ok quick q about slin, say uve had ur insulin levels checked and they are pretty high, if u add slin would it take the pressure off ur pancreas and thus ur high levels would then go down or level off

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Yes to above at least according to Paulmbo. Hope that helps mate.

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New member
Jul 3, 2017
Walk into a restaurant and order 9 whole eggs.... see how they look at you.
It Must be two plates full. That is only one part of one meal.
Most "normal everyday people would be done for the rest of the day if they could even finish it.
Raj check this out so two years ago or so i was on holidays with the Mrs and we had this breakfast included in our stay and they had poached egg and smoked salmon on the menu and loads of other shit.

for 7 day i would have 6-8 whole poached eggs with 34 mini serving plates of salmon with few toast with butter. it just happened the same lady was assigned to our table daily and she just could not believe this man could eat so many eggs and salmon ALONE.

By the end of the week she was fucking disgusted with me. I could tell from the look in her eyes lol she must have thought what a weirdo!

I would eat that like 2.5 k cals breakfast and nothing else all day on the beach as u get shit food. Just would have beer, water, diet pepsi and a big feast at night. so 2 meals a day.

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
DNP will increase insulin sensitivity significantly so would be useful for the purposes you mention. Why are using using humulin-r after a 100 gram carb meal? What time of day are you having this 100 gram carb meal (pre, post, random)? I would be using the slin approx 30 mins before you eat. Have you ever tested your blood glucose? I would definitely be trying to improve your senitivity so DNP could be useful when your off slin. I would also follow a low carb diet for that time too. If you do all of that be careful when trying slin again and don't just bang in 20IU first time back.

Thanks for the reply . I only ran it this way on morning workout days basically my first shot like I put in my log I take fasted with my growth and orals for the workout then eat breakfast 20-30 min later then @ the three hour mark I eat meal 2 then the 20iu then again the next meal then I drop carbs way back rest of days meals my knowledge on this is pretty limited but my thinking is this by eating first on my second and third meal it gives me a little time for the meal to get in the system and I skipped eating the second peak in hopes of cutting down fat by being close to empty again . Keeping fat at minimum is also my thinking with running most of my carbs in the morning around workout...as for using the r insulin its what I have easy access to and the second peak .....like I say my knowledge is pretty limited with slin .....have no doubt I know what I need to to push it safety but as for the optimal protocol I'm still learning.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
It can help with fat loss but you have to be careful. Personally I think it's a waste of time using slin alone for fat loss but that doesn't mean using insulin in general is a waste.

I wasn't talking about using it alone, but as a component of a cutting/dieting cycle. Mixed with some Tren, Anavar and Masteron maybe. Obviously, insulin sensitivity is low when one carries more bodyfat, but would Metformin and/or DNP be enough to keep insulin sensitivity up to make slin useful during weight loss? I really don't have any idea, that's why I'm asking.

Someone said in another thread that insulin doesn't have any use as part of a contest prep cycle, but didn't really clarify why that is. Do any of the competitors care to lend any insight as to why this would be the case? Is there some component of insulin use that makes it counterproductive when trying to get as lean as possible?
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Thanks for the reply . I only ran it this way on morning workout days basically my first shot like I put in my log I take fasted with my growth and orals for the workout then eat breakfast 20-30 min later then @ the three hour mark I eat meal 2 then the 20iu then again the next meal then I drop carbs way back rest of days meals my knowledge on this is pretty limited but my thinking is this by eating first on my second and third meal it gives me a little time for the meal to get in the system and I skipped eating the second peak in hopes of cutting down fat by being close to empty again . Keeping fat at minimum is also my thinking with running most of my carbs in the morning around workout...as for using the r insulin its what I have easy access to and the second peak .....like I say my knowledge is pretty limited with slin .....have no doubt I know what I need to to push it safety but as for the optimal protocol I'm still learning.

If it's working for you then carry on. Sounds like you have a good thing going and experimenting on yourself is the best way to learn. Everyone is different so play about with things and you will find your best system. I am still figuring out slin and my body too but I don't really plan to take much in the future as I don't think it is needed for me.

I wasn't talking about using it alone, but as a component of a cutting/dieting cycle. Mixed with some Tren, Anavar and Masteron maybe. Obviously, insulin sensitivity is low when one carries more bodyfat, but would Metformin and/or DNP be enough to keep insulin sensitivity up to make slin useful during weight loss? I really don't have any idea, that's why I'm asking.

Someone said in another thread that insulin doesn't have any use as part of a contest prep cycle, but didn't really clarify why that is. Do any of the competitors care to lend any insight as to why this would be the case? Is there some component of insulin use that makes it counterproductive when trying to get as lean as possible?

I don't compete but that's simply because it can effect fat loss. People look at slin as a fat storage hormone. Even if it blunted fat loss minutely for someone in contest prep that is obviously not ideal. Although many just do what they hear/read over the years and people could use it in contest prep and get great results. Many bodybuilders load using slin (high doses) in the final stages of contest prep too. Milos Sarcev has loaded top bb's (such as Dennis Wolf) on huge doses of insulin.

People can do what they want and sure dnp and metformin could be used for those purposes. But 100% for me if anyone is not lean they should not be using slin if they want to lose bodyfat. Even if bulking the same applies and I would get lean first. 15%+ bf and slin is not a good combo. They could use small doses before meals but honestly they would be better getting down to approx 10% before adding in the likes of slin for fatloss. Even then as I posted before it's not needed. I would add slin into your cycle for increasing fullness whilst dieting (later stages).

What is your bf now? I would recommend the basics. A low carb diet and dnp could work wonders. I was going to do the same but dnp gives me allergies so I will likely not bother :eek:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I'm not really asking for my own purposes, more out of academic curiosity about the topic and knowledge for the future. I just like to explore a topic from every angle. Especially things that I'm ignorant about.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Apr 20, 2007
Walk into a restaurant and order 9 whole eggs.... see how they look at you.
It Must be two plates full. That is only one part of one meal.
Most "normal everyday people would be done for the rest of the day if they could even finish it.

:yeahthat: i have done this before! it is a lot of food to pound in every day. i weigh 245ish @ 5'10.


Oct 26, 2012
Not much food for some one over 200+lbs.
Looks good for a middle weight

This is very similar to how I eat daily (there are some differences), but it's close...give/take. I'm definitely not a mass monster, but I have learned, probably a little late in this game, that I look/feel much better when my diet resembles that, instead forcing a shit-ton of food down my throat.

Again, this (similar) is what has worked and is working for me...



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
You guys obviously don't know this guy :D



Mar 22, 2014
Need this topic back on track. Still interested in how some folk run it
Yea back on topic.

Ok I've been running R preworkout in the am using mostly sugar in the form of Gatorade over the course of 2.5 hours.
I've not had any problems

Yesterday I used 12 iu's at lunch. I took in about 130 grams of carbs mainly in the form of oats.
I ate them rather quickly and then went right back to work.
About ten minutes after eating I went hypo.
I ate a couple bananas and drank Gatorade. It went away.

So what went wrong?

Was it the type of carb?
The speed at which I consumed them?
Or maybe a combo of both?

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Marky boy

Donating Member
May 13, 2014
Yea back on topic.

Ok I've been running R preworkout in the am using mostly sugar in the form of Gatorade over the course of 2.5 hours.
I've not had any problems

Yesterday I used 12 iu's at lunch. I took in about 130 grams of carbs mainly in the form of oats.
I ate them rather quickly and then went right back to work.
About ten minutes after eating I went hypo.
I ate a couple bananas and drank Gatorade. It went away.

So what went wrong?

Was it the type of carb?
The speed at which I consumed them?
Or maybe a combo of both?

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I think because you had oats and they are slow digesting this could be why you went hypo as they weren't quick enough to digest down.

I would split the carbs. Maybe have 40 grams from sugar and then say 80g from oats