Search results

  1. J

    Getting into "shape" before I start my cycle?

    I haven't worked out in roughly two years and have put on a couple pounds around my mid-area and face. I'm not in good shape what-so-ever. I get winded just taking out the trash. I have a cycle ready to go but everyone is telling me that I should work out a couple months WITHOUT the cycle...
  2. J

    Pin size dilemma. Any advice?

    I'm starting a new cycle, first two weeks I'm going to jumpstart with test and then 250mg of Deca weekly with 200mg of test twice a week. I'm only going to do this for 6 weeks and then finishing off with Clomid. The only pins I have available are 25 gauge 5/8". I'm not going for a glute shot...
  3. J

    Best protein powders or drinks?

    Right now I'm using Muscle Milk and although the flavor is unparalled I seem to feel more bloated when I use it and I seem to retain too much water weight. What is your favorite protein powder or drink? I used to use IsoPure and might go back to that. What's your personal favorite?
  4. J

    Bulking up legs only?

    Here's my problem, I've been working out for over 8 years and out of those 8 years I've probably worked out my legs 10 times. My symmetry is way off and I want to take something that will help bulk up my legs with minimal bulking of the upper body. Is this possible? Should I just do a cycle...
  5. J

    The Shelf life of Winny?

    I purchased some amps about 8 months ago and I have had them stored at room temperature ever since. Is it still safe to use or has it gone bad or lost potency? I know certain things are best kept refrigerated but I cannot find any information on Winny. They are in individual amps and have been...
  6. J

    Does anyone know the shelf life of Winny?

    I purchased some amps about 8 months ago and I have had them stored at room temperature ever since. Is it still safe to use or has it gone bad or lost potency? I know certain things are best kept refrigerated but I cannot find any information on Winny. They are in individual amps and have...
  7. J

    Winstrol: Sub Cutaneous or Intramuscular?

    A long time ago (I was a young lad then) I did 15 amps of Winstrol. I used an insulin pin and did spot injections in my biceps, delts, pecs, and glutes. I got very impressive results however....that doesn't seem to be the norm. I did get very good results though. I am planning to do a...
  8. J

    I just did my first injection and I did it on my own!

    Woot!!! It wasn't painful at all but I was so nervous I thought I was going to shake the pin so much and have it break off. Tons and tons of research went into this before I decided to go for it. I did it in the glute and used a mirror to ensure I got the right point. I did 200ml of Deca and...
  9. J

    What if I don't want to do a full cycle?

    What if I didn't want to do a full cycle but use some gear to help give me an edge? Would that be a phenominal waste of gear or beneficial in any way?
  10. J

    Got my gear and now comes the questions...

    I searched and couldn't find the answer to this question so I decided to post. By the way, this board AMAZING and really is a plethora of useful information for anyone interested in doing cycles. I think I've learned more from this board than I did in college. :D Now for the question. I...
  11. J

    Sorta a Newbie with some serious questions

    Hello all! I'm new to the board and I'm glad I found this place. I have done spot injections with Winnie before with no problems but have never done a full cycle. My buddy gave me 4 amps and that is all I did. Here is where I have the questions. I have never done injections on myself and...